Skills and Interests



Git & Version Control


Data Visualization

Machine Learning


Data Management

Project Management




Riversol Skincare

Nov 2017 – Aug 2018 Vancouver, Bc
  • Conducted A/B testing on numerous advertisement methods, predicting click through rates and customer lifetime value using MS excel.
  • Successfully predicted customer survivorship with over 90% accuracy. Used multiple statistical distributions attempted to calculate life time customer values and prediction of sales income.
  • Contributed to the design and creation of the company database and management system. Optimized data retrieval and data maintenance.



BAIT 509

BAIT509 - Business Applications of Machine Learning is a course offered by UBC’s Sauder School of Business for their Master of Business Analytics program

Data Visualization

An online programming course that teaches how to understand effective data visualizations and perform exploratory data analysis using Altair in Python.

Introduction to Machine Learning

An online programming course that introduces the topic of supervised machine learning for prediction focusing on regression and classification models. This course teaches how to map data to the correct model type, evaluate and select models, as well as communicate and interpret model results.

Programing in Python for Data Science

An online programming course that teaches the fundamentals of programming in Python, with a particular focus on Data Science related skills including how to clean, filter, arrange, aggregate and transform data using Pandas, Numpy and Altair.


datateachr is an R package with the goal to provide an easy way to access open source data for educational purposes. It contains several semi-tidied data sets obtained from multiple sources.


An R package facilitating the easy access to the Vancouver housing assessment data. This is semi-tidied data obtained from the City of Vancouver’s Open Data Portal.

Fresh Prep: Order Predictions

Predicting future orders for Fresh Prep a Vancouver Local Meal Delivery Company

ColourblindR & Colourblind8

A Python and R package facilitating colourblind friendly visualizations

Boston Criminal Records using Shiny

An interactive dashboard visualizing criminal activity in differing neighbourhoods and time of day

Talks and Workshops

An example talk using Wowchemy’s Markdown slides feature.


How to bring in a Postgres database into a Python or R workspace.

A simple and easy to follow explanation on the definition and function of a p-value.

What makes a Good Explanation Today in My DSCI 542- Communication and Argumentation class we discussed what made a good explanation. …


  • Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada